Life Shark Attack

Published on March 15th, 2012 | by James Johnson


Mothers Rescues Daughter From The Mouth Of A Shark

Shark Attack

A Florida teen was saved by her mom this week when a shark attacked the 15-year-old girl, dragging her off her surfboard into the Florida surf.

Sydney Levy slipped from her board and then paddled with her mom in the Altantic off New Smyrna Beach. After managing to climb onto the surf board the teenager realized her leg was bloody. The shark then attacked for a second time and her mom went into protective mode:

“It was like a scene out of Jaws where the girl is getting sucked under. I said there is no way this thing is going to kill my daughter.”

Valeh Levy told WESH-TV:

“I grabbed her shoulders and I pulled her up and threw her on the nose of my board.”

Another teen was already waiting on the beach for an ambulance after he was also attacked by a different share. 17-year-old Nick Romano required 17 stitches after a shark bit his leg.

Nick responded:

“I was like, ‘I just got bit by a shark.'”

Both teens are alive, thanks in part to a brave mom who’s motherly reflexes kicked in at the exact right time.



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About the Author

James is a new media professional with more than half a decade worth of experience in the online writing space. He currently serves as the Associate Editor of and the Editor-in-Chief of He also serves as a resident writer for Splash Press Media. In his spare time James consults businesses regarding SEO and Content Development.

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