
Published on April 10th, 2012 | by Steven Hodson


One Really Sick Puke Is Accused Of Making 14-Year-Old Boys Into “Cam Slaves”

There are a lot of depraved and sick people all around the world and they are now using the Internet to continue to practice their perverted behaviors, just like Richard Leon Finkbiner.

Now I must warn you before you go any further that this post contains information and actions that will probably make any normal person want to puke but it is important for parents to realize that this type of thing is going on and their children, of all ages, are prime targets.

Back in February a young 14-year-old boy visited some unnamed video chat service where he made contact with a man, who later turned out to be this Richard Finkbiner, and the boy was connived into showing the man his penis.

This is where the life of this young boy started down the road into hell because the made informed the young boy that he had made a video of the boy exposing himself, which he played back to prove he was telling the truth. At this point the man told the young boy that if he didn’t contact the man through Skype the video would be posted to gay porn sites along with the boy’s name and email address.

Finkbiner's Mugshot

He also told the young boy that he had to keep in contact with him everyday, which he did and each time the sexual acts that the man wanted to perform got worse, and was recorded by Finkbiner, until the last time when the man told him that the next time the boy contacted him he was to have a friend with him and that he was toi have his friend perform oral sex on him.

It was at this point the boy broke down and told his brother what was happening, who in turn told their parents. They got a hold of the Oakland Country Sheriff’s Office who sat down with the boy and and went through what had happened. When they looked through the email headers from the messages sent to the boy which is how they got the IP address.

The address turned out to be controlled by New Wave Communications, which, after getting a subpoena from the police had been assigned by them to Clay County Internet, a small Internet provider in the rural area of Terre Haute, Indiana.

Once they had the trail the Sheriff’s office sent a subpoena to Microsoft and asked the FBI for help. When the FBI took a look at the case they found that it also tied into several other where people had been extorted the same way.

On April 6 the FBI executed a federal search warrant on Finkbiner’s home where they found computers and digital media that contained hundreds of people going through as the 14 year old boy.

Finkbiner agreed to an interview with the agents searching his home. Special Agent Ryan Barrett sat him down and asked him about the suspected blackmail. Finkbiner confessed. By his own admission, he had blackmailed around 100 people in the same way. When asked about pictures of a specific 14-year old boy, Finkbiner “could not specifically recall or recognize the images, stating that he had induced or coerced the production of videos and images of so many people engaged in sexually explicit conduct that he could not readily recognize every individual,” Barrett wrote.

That same day, a federal magistrate judge signed off on an arrest warrant and Finkbiner was taken into custody.

“As a member of the law enforcement community, and more importantly, as a parent, these are the types of cases that keep me up at night,” said US Attorney Joseph Hogsett in a statement yesterday. “This defendant may not remember his alleged victims, but the true tragedy is that not one of them will ever forget.”

via Ars Technica

As bad as this is I can easily see this kind of thing being used as a rallying cry to further monitor the web but the reality is that even though it would have been harder pre-Internet for this type of thing to happen sick pukes like this Finkbiner have existed long before the Internet and will continue to exist long after it.

It isn’t the Internet but rather the people on it that are the problem.



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About the Author

Steven has been around the tech world long enough to see most of the stuff we think of cool happen before which leads to a certain bit of cynicism that has contributed to him being known as the cranky old fart of the Internet. Besides sharing some of the goodness that he finds with you here at 42x you can also find him curating some digital goodness at Winextra (tech type stuff) and Rotten Gumdrops (for your daily dose of WTF).

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