Tech samsung smart window

Published on January 13th, 2012 | by Duncan Riley


Samsung Smart Window brings the web to your window

samsung smart window

Just when you thought you couldn’t get internet access in any more places throughout your house, Samsung has upped the ante with their new “Smart Window.”

The smart window is a transparent LCD screen that fits any windows up to 46 inches/ 107 cm at a resolution of 1366×768.

The device is controlled by touch, and offers everything from widgets and apps, along with the ability to draw a virtual curtain, and in sci-fi movie fashion, display photographs of scenery.

No word thus far as when they will be available or for how much, but there are unconfirmed reports that the Smart Window may go into production this year.



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About the Author

Editor & Publisher Duncan Riley started blogging in 2003 after a career of management and Government service. In 2003 he started the Blog Herald, the first blog to cover the then new industry of blogging. In 2005 he was one of the three founders of b5media After a 12 month stint at TechCrunch, writing as the No.2 to Michael Arrington, Duncan left to found The Inquisitr and now runs both Medacity and fortytwotimes. Follow on Twitter at: duncanriley

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