
Published on May 5th, 2012 | by Steven Hodson


Honey Hunters Make Your Job Look Like A Walk In Park [Pics]

There are all kinds of jobs in the world. Some range from mind-numbing to wet your pants dangerous but when you have a job like these honey hunters in Nepal, where you basic survival depends on incredible risks to life an limb, our jobs that we whine about seem inconsequential.

These images of Nepal’s honey hunters were taken by Eric Valli as he documented the lives of the men who harvest the massive hives of the world’s largest honey bees.

So the next time you complain about your job keep these images in mind and appreciate how easy you probably have it.

via BuzzFeed



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About the Author

Steven has been around the tech world long enough to see most of the stuff we think of cool happen before which leads to a certain bit of cynicism that has contributed to him being known as the cranky old fart of the Internet. Besides sharing some of the goodness that he finds with you here at 42x you can also find him curating some digital goodness at Winextra (tech type stuff) and Rotten Gumdrops (for your daily dose of WTF).

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