Life man torches home depot

Published on May 24th, 2012 | by Kim LaCapria


Man Tries to Burn Down Home Depot After Friend’s Hardware Store Suffers Business Decline

man torches home depot

Does anyone remember that old SNL skit with the Mr. Belvedere fan club? It’s okay to create Small Business Saturday to urge people to buy local… it’s not okay to burn down the local Home Depot so people are traumatized into buying local at your pal’s hardware shop.

You can see where this is going, isn’t it? Yes, a dude actually got so enraged at the local Home Depot that he tried to burn the motherf*cker down after his friend’s hardware store lost sales to the building supply megalith. Tacoma, Washington man Randol W. Stebner, 53, started two “small fires” near the local Home Depot.

The attempted arson failed to ignite the shop, and charging documents indicate that Stebner (who may have been intoxicated) made no effort to conceal his crime, writing in a confession:

“I am upset with Home Depot because they are making business difficult for my friend… I know there are people in the store now. I don’t want to hurt them, but I have to get their motherf*cking attention. I only set one fire, but I want to set a couple more.”

Stebner remains incarcerated on $75,000 bail, and has been charged with attempted arson.



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About the Author

Kim LaCapria is a writer and editor based in New York. A longtime information junkie, she began blogging full-time at the Inquisitr in 2009. Prior to that, she worked as a marketing assistant in the cosmetics and skincare industry. In addition to her writing for fortytwotimes, she also writes for Medacity and The Inquisitr. Kim is also a contributor for SocialNewsDaily, Indyposted, and TotallyMoney. In the past, she contributed to Lipstick and Luxury and managed social media accounts and blogs for several small and mid-sized businesses.

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