
Published on March 3rd, 2012 | by Steven Hodson


This Is One Little White Box You Don’t Want To See Plugged In Near Your Network

It’s called the Pwn Plug and its whole purpose is to make hacking your network as easy as possible. Designed to look just like any other power adapter that you might find plugged into an electrical outlet it has one connecting cable that plugs into your network and the hacker is away to the races.

Built by a company called Pwnie Express it comes with a simple name of Pwn Plug but the guts of this white power adapter looking contraption is definitely no slouch when it comes to computing power. It also comes preloaded with the best of breed hacking tools which allow your network to be hacked into from afar.

The basic model will only set you back $480 but if you want to go full bore you can get the Elite version by paying an extra $250.

Pwnie Express’s CEO Dave Porcello says the whole point is about plugging in and pwning the network with the whole idea being that you can walk into a facility, plug it in, then wait for a text message and in most cases you are ready to pwn the network by the time you reach your car in the parking lot.

According to Porcello the Pwn Plug is being used by a growing number of companies as a way to conduct penetration tests of their network with companies like T.J. Maxx who are sending out units to all their stores for internal network tests.

It turns out that they’re also a great way for corporations to test out security at their regional offices. Porcellos says that the Bank of America is mailing the Pwn Plug to its regional offices and having bank mangers plug them into the network. Then security experts at corporate HQ can check the network for vulnerabilities.

via Ars Technica



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About the Author

Steven has been around the tech world long enough to see most of the stuff we think of cool happen before which leads to a certain bit of cynicism that has contributed to him being known as the cranky old fart of the Internet. Besides sharing some of the goodness that he finds with you here at 42x you can also find him curating some digital goodness at Winextra (tech type stuff) and Rotten Gumdrops (for your daily dose of WTF).

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