Published on October 28th, 2012 | by Steven Hodson
0Here’s 3 Images To Show Why Meteorologists Are So Concerned About Hurricane Sandy
Even though memories of Hurricane Irene have pretty well faded from memory the fact was that just because the storm didn’t live up to the disaster hype around it the hurricane still caused a massive amount of damage – to the tune of $16.5 million in damages; and meteorologists are trying to stress that Hurricane Sandy could even be worse.
The scary thing about Hurricane Sandy is that it just isn’t about a weakening hurricane making landfall and causing all kinds of damage in its wake as the meteorologists are trying to remind us when they point to the fact that the hurricane is actually going to become the amalgam of three storms. This is happening due to the weakening hurricane meeting up with a big storm coming in from the west and a cold front coming in from the north with the results being an almost “perfect storm” that could be felt as far north as where I live in Southern Ontario, Canada.
To try and make up understand just how potentially dangerous, and destructive, Hurricane Sandy could end up being meteorologists have been publishing all kinds of images of the projected path and strength of the storm. The image at the top of this post is from Alexis Madrigal in his post at The Atlantic where he took the data being provided by National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration to create a graphic showing the potential for 6-foot, or more, storm surge around New York City.
Below you can see the animated gif image from Dr. Ryan Maue, a meteorologist at WeatherBELL, which went along with his tweet about the storm:
“This is unprecedented –absolutely stunning upper-level configuration pinwheeling #Sandy on-shore like ping-pong ball,”
Now add this from Wall Street Journal’s Eric Holthaus where he also tweeted:
“Oh my…. I have never seen so much purple on this graphic. By far. Never,”