
Published on May 1st, 2012 | by Kim LaCapria


Depression More Likely in Bullied Special Needs Kids, Study Finds

depression in kids

Depression is a condition being more frequently diagnosed in kids, and those with special needs who are bullied are more likely to fall victim, a new study has discovered.

It may seem obvious that kids with special needs are at increased risk of depression due to the effects of their condition on the way they are treated, but the study clarifies what role specifically bullying plays on depression in kids with special needs. According to researchers, while special needs kids face many factors that influence depression, bullying was actually the one that influenced the likelihood of depression the most.

Lead researcher Margaret Ellis McKenna, MD explains:

“What is notable about these findings is that despite all the many challenges these children face in relation to their chronic medical or developmental diagnosis, being bullied or excluded by their peers were the factors most likely to predict whether or not they reported symptoms of depression.”

The study on bullying, depression and special needs kids involved 109 children between the ages of eight and 17.



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About the Author

Kim LaCapria is a writer and editor based in New York. A longtime information junkie, she began blogging full-time at the Inquisitr in 2009. Prior to that, she worked as a marketing assistant in the cosmetics and skincare industry. In addition to her writing for fortytwotimes, she also writes for Medacity and The Inquisitr. Kim is also a contributor for SocialNewsDaily, Indyposted, and TotallyMoney. In the past, she contributed to Lipstick and Luxury and managed social media accounts and blogs for several small and mid-sized businesses.

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