
Published on January 25th, 2012 | by Duncan Riley


The Jack White We Were Hoaxed Story


This article formerly detailed Jack White’s alleged trip to Australia, which we have now discovered, in consultation with Jack White and Karen Elson’s management, was an elaborate creation by an obsessed fan. We sincerely apologize to Mr. White and Ms Elson for posting false information.

We were sucked in by an elaborate hoax, who via a third party, even went as far as offering Jack White autographs to writers of this site.

We will also be considering legal action against the hoaxer, and her contributor, here in Australia.

At no stage did we seek out to write this story: it landed in our lap. Police here in Victoria, Australia have already been informed about the intermediary.

To all Jack White and Karen Elson fans, all I can say is sorry.

With no disrespect I’m not even a Jack White fan. All I knew of him before this is that he sang a James Bond movie song.

I’ve been a victim of this story as well. Words (that would take up a book) can’t describe the elaborate nature of this hoax.

That said, I’m not nearly as big a victim as Jack White and Karen Elsom.

I’ve had the odd stalker in my time (hell, the abuse I got when I wrote for TechCrunch is a story for another day! ) but I can’t imagine what they have to put up with, and again, I wish them both well.



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About the Author

Editor & Publisher Duncan Riley started blogging in 2003 after a career of management and Government service. In 2003 he started the Blog Herald, the first blog to cover the then new industry of blogging. In 2005 he was one of the three founders of b5media After a 12 month stint at TechCrunch, writing as the No.2 to Michael Arrington, Duncan left to found The Inquisitr and now runs both Medacity and fortytwotimes. Follow on Twitter at: duncanriley

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