Life Watch Out You Bartenders Out There, There's A Robot Out For Your Job

Published on September 14th, 2012 | by Steven Hodson


Watch Out You Bartenders Out There, There’s A Robot Out For Your Job [Video]

Watch Out You Bartenders Out There, There's A Robot Out For Your Job

In my younger days I spent more than a few years as a bartender, at least what I can remember of them at least, and one thing a bartender takes a certain amount of pride in is their ability to mix really good drinks; but those days may be numbered thanks to an Arduino powered robot with a cocktail list of 15 drinks.

Yup folks, the end of the friendly neighborhood bartender, who you could share all your secrets with may soon be replaced by a cheap robot imitation called The Inebriator (that’ll go over well in the liquor license office).

via Randommization



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About the Author

Steven has been around the tech world long enough to see most of the stuff we think of cool happen before which leads to a certain bit of cynicism that has contributed to him being known as the cranky old fart of the Internet. Besides sharing some of the goodness that he finds with you here at 42x you can also find him curating some digital goodness at Winextra (tech type stuff) and Rotten Gumdrops (for your daily dose of WTF).

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