Entertainment Michael Jackson Elected President Obama To US Presidency

Published on June 25th, 2012 | by James Johnson


Jermaine Jackson: Michael Was Responsible For President Obama Being Elected

Michael Jackson Elected President Obama To US Presidency

President Obama was only elected as the President of the United States because in 1993 Michael Jackson introduced the world to Oprah Winfrey. According to brother Jermaine Jackson it was during that interview that brother Michael introduced Oprah to the United States and 90 countries around the world.

As Jermaine tells the Independent:

“Michael invited her [to Neverland] and that was the moment that put her in 90 countries around the world and made her successful.”

He then adds:

“What did she do with that success? She put it behind Obama.”

The interview comes as Jermaine and the “Jackson 4” have just begun a new tour which could explain his publicity grabbing choice of words.

Jermaine also claimed that British tabloids coined the term “Wacko Jacko” and he says the denied “Michael’s humanity. … The question is why didn’t they understand him while he was here?”

Oprah was already making a name for herself before the Michael Jackson interview but it’s interesting hear Jermaine’s take on why President Obama is in office.




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About the Author

James is a new media professional with more than half a decade worth of experience in the online writing space. He currently serves as the Associate Editor of Inquisitr.com and the Editor-in-Chief of SocialNewsDaily.com. He also serves as a resident writer for Splash Press Media. In his spare time James consults businesses regarding SEO and Content Development.

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