
Published on July 16th, 2012 | by Steven Hodson


Holy Crap! Marissa Mayer Has Been Named As Yahoo’s Next CEO

Well this one sure has come in from left field and is sweeping through the tech blogosphere like wildfire but the announcement that Marissa Mayer, Google’s number 20 employee and highly respected engineer and executive, has accepted the job as Yahoo’s next CEO.

As reported by GigaOM Mayer had this to say about the new job facing her at a very troubled company:

“I am honored and delighted to lead Yahoo, one of the internet’s premier destinations for more than 700 million users.  I look forward to working with the company’s dedicated employees to bring innovative products, content, and personalized experiences to users and advertisers all around the world.”

I have to say that this about the news – Wow!

After being saddled with two very troubled CEO picks it would seem that the Yahoo board has decided to think out of the box and snag one of the brightest people in the tech industry to rescue the company. Personally I think this could be one of the smartest choices that the board could have made and the fact that Mayer accepted the position could foreshadow some very big and interesting changes in the future for Yahoo.

I haven’t seen the stock markets reaction to the news yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see a jump in Yahoo stock prices.

Yahoo just got interesting again.



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About the Author

Steven has been around the tech world long enough to see most of the stuff we think of cool happen before which leads to a certain bit of cynicism that has contributed to him being known as the cranky old fart of the Internet. Besides sharing some of the goodness that he finds with you here at 42x you can also find him curating some digital goodness at Winextra (tech type stuff) and Rotten Gumdrops (for your daily dose of WTF).

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